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Torre Boldone, 06/04/2020


Founded in the late 60s, ORMAMACCHINE S.P.A. operates in the field of hydraulic presses, in the field of wood processing, composite materials, polyurethane panels and plastics. A long journey that has led the company, step by step, to acquire a leading position on the national and international market. The production is entirely in Italy. Quality control, innovative spirit, attention to the customer and its problems and a great competitiveness make ORMAMACCHINE S.P.A. the ideal partner for all companies, from the smallest, family-run, to that belonging to industrial groups.

To achieve full customer satisfaction, the Management decided to operate according to a Quality System, compliant with the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard. All business activities must be considered as an expression of quality. Improvements in the quality sector, in line with customer expectations, are the key to a successful business.

To achieve this, each activity will actively seek to identify areas of quality improvement and will work to meet future customer needs. The achievement of these qualitative objectives, and consequently the achievement and the overcoming of the set goals, to continue to operate as a competitive and successful company, is determined by the resources, the organization, the commitment in the work and, above all, by the positive attitude towards quality.

To guarantee the pursuit of its mission ORMAMACCHINE S.P.A. it dynamically analyzes its context, identifying the internal and external factors that are decisive for the achievement of its strategic objectives and the results expected from the Management System. ORMAMACCHINE S.P.A. it also adopts a risk management approach and intends to put in place the appropriate actions to face risks and opportunities for every business objective and process identified in the System. In this sense ORMAMACCHINE S.P.A. promotes the dissemination of the culture of quality, in the awareness that a Quality Management System, if correctly interpreted and used, is a powerful organizational tool for planning and controlling the company's competitiveness. For the reference period the objectives of the Quality Management System can be identified in the document MO-6.1-01.

The Company undertakes to develop its business according to the following principles:

• guarantee compliance with the legal, regulatory and contractual agreements defined;
• constantly research the optimization of business processes through a conscious use of resources and the use of the best available and economically sustainable technologies, compatibly with the protection of the environment and the health and safety of workers;
• assign a central role to training and information in continuous improvement processes, in order to increase staff awareness and motivation as well as professional development;
• meet the needs of end customers and all interested parties, through timely performance of services with a high level of quality, continuity and security of service;
• promote the diffusion and the knowledge, at all levels, of the concepts expressed in this document. The Quality policy is periodically re-evaluated by the Management, during the Review of the Quality System in order to adapt it to any regulatory, technological, organizational, economic condition change; it is suitably disclosed within the Organization and to interested parties.